My Dad comes over and offers to sell us his house for... 57 THOUSAND dollars. This is the house that he bought with my Mom when I was 1. Hell of a deal.. We go to the bank and get told EVERYTHING looks great you should be home owners by the end of APRIL (because what bank would turn that down???) First thing I ask our lovely bank man are there ANY liens on the title and he tells me NO every thing is looking great ( he has told me this every time I have talked to him starting in March) Well this is the same bank man who submitted our loan application that said Russ only made $700 a month . 2 weeks ago the appraisers came and did the appraisal over $115 thousand more than what We were buying it for. Well with our clean title and kick a** appraisal We get told last Monday that they were just waiting for the "Final" approval.. After NO call all week I asked Russell to go in there today and talk to him because not one time has he called us to inform us about the status of our loan, We have had to either call or go to the bank and track him down. Russell called him and told him to call me, After 2 hours of waiting I called him (He is scared of Me) He just wanted to let me know that the title that he looked up was clean but the title that the appraisal company looked up showed 2, YES 2 liens.. 1 for property tax and 1 is from the Utah Transit authority??? WTF would the UTA put a lien on a house? Did my Dad steal a UTA bus that I don't know about! So I am giving Mountain America a little deadline. I am not going to call them for updates anymore because he told me he would get a hold of me once they figured this problem out. He has until June 3rd which is my day off to get it together if I have not heard for him I am going in there and it will not be very pretty. I was so mad I wanted to drive my car through the damn bank which might happen on the 3rd so watch the news!
I'm sorry Ash! It will all work out. Do you want me to give you my loan person's #? If you need a bigger truck to drive in to the bank, call me we have insurance and I could use a new truck! Luv Ya!
I am going to find that stolen UTA bus and drive that through it!! I know everything will work out but its so frustrating..Thanks Love you too!
So sorry to hear that! I know that mortgage companies are so frustrating and you often wonder how these people got a job doing what they are doing! I hope everything will work out for you guys, it sounds like such a great opportunity:)
I am hoping everything turns out good! If not, you better make the front page news!
I thought that was you driving the bus in that movie "Speed" !
It going to be Me!! Just wait.. I am over it I dont care anymore whatever happens happens and for now I am just happy I have a cute lil townhome and I have air conditioning! I am so done with stress, I just want a stress free summer!
I'd still keep on them, trust me you don't want to let that chain slacken at all! Buying a house is so much fun but a lot of work! When you guys do buy the house, we have a brand new stove from our house we need to get rid of. If you guys want it or know anyone else that wants it let me know! We're not asking very much for it at all. You need to see the kitty I got Tyler! Good luck with the house!
YAY I finally got your blog to work... just so you know I was typing in rnaspringer. on your FB acct. you have an "n" between the "r" and "a"... you should change that lol
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